@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000224, author = {山田, 孝子 and Yamada, Takako}, issue = {4}, journal = {社会科学, The Social Science(The Social Sciences)}, month = {Feb}, note = {コンゴ民主共和国東部では,ルワンダの虐殺以降,第1次コンゴ戦争,第2次コンゴ戦争と紛争が長期間継続し,多くの地域住民が村を追われて国内避難民/難民生活を余儀なくされてきた。本稿では,紛争終結後に村に戻ることができたニンドゥを事例に,彼らのNPOを組織しての言語の再建活動をとおした国際NPOとの連繋,民族性の再確認という自己再定置を明らかにし,多民族国家における民族性と民族語保持の重要性を指摘する。, The eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has faced with a long period of armed conflicts like the First Congo War and the Second Congo War following the "Rwanda Genocide". The Nyindu of Kilimbwe village in the eastern DR Congo are one of those peoples who were compelled to live as refugees. This paper aims to analyze the development of Nyindu's activities of reconstructing their ethnic language supported by international NPOs and the self-reorienting of their ethnicity after returning to their village and to suggest the importance of keeping ethnic/tribal identity and language in a multi-ethnic nation., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1--26}, title = {紛争終結後における言語の再建と自己再定置 : コンゴ民主共和国東部のニンドゥの奮闘から}, volume = {53}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ヤマダ, タカコ} }