@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019795, author = {末永, 國紀 and Suenaga, Kunitoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Sep}, note = {近江商人を多数排出した滋賀県からは、19世紀末からカナダへの移民が多くなり、第二次大戦までの日系カナダ移民の最大多数を占めた。滋賀県からのカナダ移民によって1922年にカルガリーで創設された絹布会社シルコライナーは、エドモントンとリジャイナに支店を置き、第二次大戦中も営業を継続した。1970年代にはカナダ中西部に18の本支店を設置するまでに拡大した。シルコライナーの経営的成功は、現地の事情と便益を重視し、良質の商品をより廉価に販売しようと努めた点に求めることができ、それは創業者達の故郷から輩出した近江商人の経営姿勢にきわめて類似していた。, In the end of the 19th century, the number of immigrants to Canada started to increase in Shiga prefecture, where the majority of Ohmi merchants had been originally produced. Japanese immigrants in Canada reached the largest number before the break of World War II. Those immigrants from Shiga founded a silk clothes dealing company, Silk-O-Lina in 1922. They established two branches in Edmonton and Regina and carried on business throughout the war. The company extended its business domain as large as setting up 18 main branches across the Midwest Canada in the 1970s. One of the key factors of their management success was due to their respectful consideration of local situation and benefits that their business would bring in to the local area. Another factor was their management effort to provide high-quality goods at a reasonable price. Their business attitudes closely corresponded to those of Ohmi merchants that had originated in their birthplace., 論説, application/pdf}, pages = {1--24}, title = {絹布商事会社「シルコライナー」の経営 : 滋賀県カナダ移民の定住過程}, volume = {58}, year = {2006}, yomi = {スエナガ, クニトシ} }