@techreport{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000172, author = {植田, 良彦 and Ueda, Yoshihiko and 千田, 二郎 and Senda, Jiro and Fujimoto, Hajime and 藤本, 元}, month = {Jul}, note = {In this study, authors investigated the characteristics of auto-ignition/combustion of high pressurized hydrogen jets to improve performances of a direct-injection, diesel engine fueled with hydrogen. The auto-ignition/ combustion of hydrogen were investigated in a constant-volume combustion vessel under simulated direct-injection diesel engine conditions. The parameters varied in the investigation included the injection pressure, ambient temperature and ambient oxygen concentration. The conclusions of this study are shown as follows: (1) Effect of ambient oxygen concentration in the ambient on auto-ignition delay and heat conversion efficiency is little at high ambient temperature range. Also, by reduction of ambient oxygen concentration, reduction of NO is possible. (2) In the case of the smaller orifice and multi hole, heat conversion efficiency is increased., application/pdf}, title = {水素ディーゼル機関の基礎的研究 (第2報 -非定常水素噴流の自着火・燃焼特性に関する解析-)}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ウエダ, ヨシヒコ and センダ, ジロウ and フジモト, ハジメ} }