@phdthesis{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001526, author = {池端, 千賀子 and Ikehata, Chikako}, month = {2019-05-10, 2020-03-04}, note = {この研究は、三人の日本自由メスジスト教団指導者たち(柿原正次、河邊貞吉、土山鐵次)の宣教活動を辿り、一国家の市民であることと宗教共同体の一員であることとの接点を探求する。彼らはそれぞれ、日本人キリスト者が同胞へのキリスト教伝道者となり得ること、さらには同胞のみならずアメリカ人や中国人への伝道者にもなり得ることを証明しようとし、キリスト教を「西洋の」宗教ではなく、「日本の」宗教であると同時に国境を越えた宗教であると再定義を試みた。, Tracing the missionary activities of three Japanese Free Methodist leaders–Kakihara Masaji, Kawabe Teikichi, and Tsuchiyama Tetsuji–in three developing phases, this study explores these Japanese Free Methodists' attempts to make Christianity simultaneously "Japanese" and transnational, challenging assumptions that Christianity and Christian missionaries were "Western." It demonstrates how they skillfully navigated competing national and religious borders and how they shared their spiritual power with American and Chinese Christians. By pointing out the uncertain ground of national, cultural, and religious identity, this study suggests Christianity's possibilities and limitations as a way of bringing people together across boundaries of politics and nation., application/pdf}, title = {But our citizenship is in heaven : making Christianity "Japanese" and transnational, 1895-1945}, year = {}, yomi = {イケハタ, チカコ} }