@phdthesis{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001487, author = {Moniruzzaman, Mohammad}, month = {2018-10-10, 2019-07-31}, note = {This study examined the effect of nicastrin glycosylation on γ-secretase activity and substrate specificity in a group of glycosylation mutant CHO (Lec) cells. I have also searched for non-raft tetraspanins by proteomics analysis; and then examined the effect of identified tetraspanins on amyloid-β production. Findings of this thesis suggest that thorough glycosylation of nicastrin is critical for enzymatic activity and substrate preference of γ-secretase; and tetraspanin-7 is a potent modulator of amyloid-β production., application/pdf}, title = {Regulation of amyloid-β production : studies of γ-secretase activity on nicastrin glycosylation and tetraspanin-7}, year = {} }