@phdthesis{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001388, author = {Saquilayan, Glynnis mae Q.}, month = {2017-10-18, 2018-07-18}, note = {A laser ion source was investigated for a laser produced spatially bound plasma and the production of cluster ions. The design of a unique geometry for the target was fabricated to have a hollow cylindrical structure where the plasma is ignited inside the narrow volume. The study clarified the difference in the plasma dynamics of the laser ion source operation using the hollow cylinder target as the plasma was allowed to interact with the target surface. The proposed scheme, aiming to produce a low plasma temperature condition, was observed to the increase the probability for agglomeration and generated cluster ions., application/pdf}, title = {Ion charge state distribution in a laser produced bounded plasma}, year = {} }