@phdthesis{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001219, author = {邵, 永正 and Shao, Yongzheng}, month = {2015-06-16, 2016-03-16}, note = {It was found that a significant improvement of mechanical properties of CFRPs can be achieved by the adjustment of the matrix properties such as toughness and CF/matrix adhesion via the chemical modification, as well as the physical modification by a small amount of cheap and environment-friendly nano fibers. Based on investigation of fracture mechanisms at macro/micro scale, the effects of matrix properties and nano fiber on the mechanical properties of CFRP have been discussed. Subsequently, the relationship has been characterized by a numerical model to show how to modulate the parameters of the matrix properties to achieve excellent fatigue properties of CFRP., application/pdf}, title = {Study on the effects of matrix properties on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites}, year = {}, yomi = {ショウ, エイセイ} }